Chili Sauces Back to Chili Sauces Chongqing-Chengdu Spicy Encounters 45° (7g* 30pouches) MEDIUM SPICY Suitable for vegetarians No added MSG No artificial colors ChinEAT brings the flavors of Chongqing and Chengdu in a pouch for you to feel with your tastebuds the...
Chili Sauces Back to Chili Sauces Chongqing-Chengdu Spicy Encounters 52° (7g* 30pouches) SUPER SPICY Suitable for vegetarians No added MSG No artificial colors ChinEAT brings the flavors of Chongqing and Chengdu in a pouch for you to feel with your tastebuds the...
Chili Sauces Back to Chili Sauces Chongqing-Chengdu Spicy Mix (30g*9cups) LOW MED SUPER SPICY Suitable for vegetarians No added MSG No artificial colors PREPARATIONINGREDIENTSALLERGENS The perfect sauces for topping your dishes, or marinating/ stir-frying your meat...
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